بالصور.. أقصر فتاة في الهند..”طولها لا يتعدى 33 بوصة”

فقدت أسرتها أمل بقائها على قيد الحياة، لكنها قاومت وعاشت حتى الـ18 عاما من العمر، لكن بطول قامة 33 بوصة فقط.

فقدت أسرتها أمل بقائها على قيد الحياة، لكنها قاومت وعاشت حتى الـ18 عاما من العمر، لكن بطول قامة 33 بوصة فقط.

“مانديب باتوال”، فتاة هندية ولدت بحجم الفأر في قرية مغمورة في البنجاب شمال الهند، حيث ينقسم الناس وقت رؤيتها للوهلة الأولى، بين من يبدي حبه لها أو يعتبرها لعنة بسبب ملامحها الغريبة، وحجمها الضئيل.

وتعتبر “مانديب” أقصر فتاة هندية على الإطلاق، وهي ليست سوى بوصة واحدة، وراحة يدها والقدمين قياس 2.5 سم وأربعة سم، وفقا لـcaterclips .

An Indian girl who was described as being as small as a mouse when she was born beats the odds to reach her 18th birthday - despite only being as tall as a cricket bat. Mandeep Batwal, divides opinions in her Punjabi village in northern India, seen as either adorable or cursed

At 2ft 9in inches, Mandeep is the shortest person the villagers have ever seen. She is just an inch taller than a cricket bat and her palm and feet match that of a two-year-old

Because of her tiny body and weak organs, walking and playing is a task for the teenager where she has to be carried on shoulders like a toddler

Mandeep was a premature baby. She was born in 28 weeks naturally at home. In the absence of money and awareness, her mother Raj Rani and her father Desh Raj, a daily wage labour, who makes just £2, went for an ultrasound only once during the pregnancy

Her mother, Raj Rani said: 'My first baby was a stillborn. He was a boy. A year later Mandeep was born. We were delighted with the pregnancy and went to local healers for medicines as we had no money for advanced medicines'Her mother, Raj Rani added: 'She was like a mouse. Her face had not fully formed and she was extremely tiny and weak. We were scared to see her. We had to feed her with the spoon from kid's kitchen set. The whole village had gathered when the news spread because no one had seen a baby like her before.'

While Mandeep is said to act like a toddler, her body is changing internally like a woman. Raj Rani said Mandeep gets periods once in four months and that's the worst time for the mother to deal with her child

The desperate parents are now looking for a miracle that would treat their first child's condition and prolong her life. Her mother added: 'She is different but she is our most favourite. When she was born people had said she would not survive for more than a few days but she just turned 18'

Source: Tamol.om

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