بالصور.. أكبر طائرة في العالم تبدأ تجارب الطيران

بدأت شركة "ستراتولونش" المملكة لـ "بول ألين" أحد مؤسسي شركة "مايكروسوفت" تجربة أول نموذج لأكبر طائرة نقل في العالم. ونشر

بدأت شركة “ستراتولونش” المملكة لـ “بول ألين” أحد مؤسسي شركة “مايكروسوفت” تجربة أول نموذج لأكبر طائرة نقل في العالم.

ونشر “ألين” عبر حسابه على موقع التواصل الاجتماعي “تويتر” مقطع فيديو ظهرت فيه الطائرة العملاقة وهي تسير على المدرج في كاليفورنيا بسرعة قصوى بلغت 46 ميلا في الساعة، بحسب موقع “فورتشن”.

وتبدو الطائرة من تصميمها وكأنها طائرتين تم دمجهما بجناح واحد، ويهدف القائمون على هذا النموذج استخدام الطائرة كمنصة لإطلاق الصواريخ حيث يمكن أن تطير بسهولة أكبر إلى مدار الأرض المنخفض أكثر من المركبة الفضائية التقليدية.

ويخطط للطائرة أن تحمل صاروخاً واحداص في المرحلة الأولى فما يمكن أن يزيد العدد ليصل إلى 3 صواريخ مستقبلاً.

ويبلغ طول جناحيها 117 مترا، ويصل وزنها إلى 230 طنا وارتفاعها 15 مترا، كما تم تجهيزها بـ28 عجلة. وتسمح الخصائص التقنية للطائرة بنقل حمولة تصل إلى 250 طنا.

ويتوقع أن تجري الطائرة أول رحلة تجريبية العام المقبل.

The world's largest plane is a step closer to its first flight after passing another major milestone. Named Stratolaunch, the aircraft - which has a wingspan longer than a football field - sped down the runway at 40 knots (46mph/74kph) in its latest low-speed taxi test, firing all six of its 8,940lbs (4,000kg) engines. Pictured is the vehicle during its latest test

Once testing is complete, the aircraft will help to fire satellites and other objects into space, including a 'Dream Chaser' spaceship that could shuttle astronauts or payloads to and from low Earth orbit within 24 hours. The Stratolaunch is expected to take to the skies for the first time in 2019

The main purpose of the test (pictured), which took place at California's Mojave Air and Space Port, was to put the aircraft¿s ability to steer and stop through its paces

The graphic above illustrates the Stratolaunch's wingspan compared to other aircraft models, including the Boeing 747-8 Intercontinental and the Airbus A380-800

A ground team from Stratolaunch Systems Corp monitored a number of systems, including steering, braking, anti-skid and telemetry

Traditionally, satellites and other aircraft have been launched into space from a launchpad, which requires a tremendous amount of fuel. The Stratolaunch (pictured in December), on the other hand, will enable rockets carrying these objects to have a 'head start' since they will be carried into the sky before they launch into space

Since the first engine runs in September, the Stratolaunch team has performed a series of engine tests from a newly established Stratolaunch Mission Control Center, located at its facility at the Mojave Air and Space Port. Pictured is the vehicle during a test flight in December

The company Mission Control Centre at the Mojave Air and Space Port in California serves as the Seattle-based firm's hub for testing communications and will eventually be the centre of its aircraft and launch operations. Pictured is the 

Once low-speed taxi tests have been safely completed, the company will begin the next phase of taxi testing, which will include increased speeds. Test flights are currently planned for 2019

The plane is the vision of Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen who wants it to act as a giant air pad in the sky, allowing payloads to reach space faster and at a lower cost than existing technologies

Over the next few months, the firm plans to continue to test the aircraft¿s engines at higher power levels and varying configurations

Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen unveiled the world's largest aircraft in June 2017. The massive plane rolled out by Allen's aerospace firm, Stratolaunch Systems, features the longest wingspan of any aircraft ever built

In 2016, Stratolaunch signed a deal with aerospace and defense firm Orbital ATK. Under terms of the deal, the Stratolaunch will propel Orbital's Pegasus XL rocket, which is used to send small satellites into space

The advantage of Paul Allen's (file photo) approach will be the ability to position the plane so satellites can be directly delivered into very precise orbits and do so quickly, without launch range scheduling issues and weather-related delays

Source: Tamol.om

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