بالصور.. الآلاف يتراشقون بـ145 طناً من الطماطم في مهرجان إسبانيا

اندلعت أكبر معركة طعام في العالم في بلدة بونيول بشرق #إسبانيا،اليوم، حيث تبادل آلاف المحتفلين رشق بعضهم بثمار الطماطم وهم يتقافزون

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اندلعت أكبر معركة طعام في العالم في بلدة بونيول بشرق #إسبانيا،اليوم، حيث تبادل آلاف المحتفلين رشق بعضهم بثمار الطماطم وهم يتقافزون وسط المعجون الأحمر الذي غطى الأرض تحت أرجلهم.

ووزّع مجلس البلدية أكثر من 20 ألف تذكرة للمهرجان السنوي هذا العام الذي حضره عدد كبير من السياح الأجانب والمواطنين الإسبان على السواء.

وانطلقت صيحات هادرة، فيما عبّرت ست شاحنات تحمل 145 طناً من الطماطم شوارع بونيول وألقى المنظمون الثمار الناضجة إلى الحشد الذي سرعان ما تحوّل إلى بحر باللونين الوردي والأحمر.

ووضع بعض المشاركين في المهرجان نظارات لحماية أعينهم وغطي عدد كبير من الأبنية بمُشمع للمحافظة على جدرانها، بينما غطّى معجون الطماطم مباني أخرى ليصبح المشهد جديراً بأن تسجّله لوحة من الفن الحديث.

ويقال انّ المهرجان الذي يعرف باسم “توماتينا” يعود إلى شجار عفوي تفجر بين قرويين عام 1945.

وتم حظر المهرجان لفترة في الخمسينيات في ذروة حكم الجنرال فرانثيسكو فرانكو، لكنّه عاد في الثمانينيات وحظي بشعبية في أنحاء إسبانيا ويجذب الآن حشودا كبيرة من الزوار من داخل وخارج البلاد.

A group of revellers completely covered in tomato pulp take part in the annual "Tomatina" festival in the eastern Spanish town of Buno

Despite being covered in tomato pulp, this group of revellers seem filled with joy as they take part in the famous local festival

A smiling and clearly delighted young woman dives into a thick pile of tomato pulp during this year's edition of the annual festival

More than 20,000 people pelted each other with ripe tomatoes on Wednesday, in the latest edition of the annual festival

A reveller covered in tomato pulp takes part in the annual "Tomatina" festival in the eastern town of Bunol, on August 28

The iconic fiesta, which is billed at "the world's biggest food fight" has become a major draw for foreigners, in particular from Britain, Japan and the United States

This reveller, completely covered in tomato pulp, takes part in the 74th "Tomatina" Festival in the eastern town of Bunol, Spain

Although spirits seemed high among most of the revellers, some seemed a bit shocked by just how much tomato pulp covered their entire bodies

Approximately 22,000 participants threw total of 145 tonnes of tomatoes, brought with seven trucks, to each other for an hour at the festival

Spirits were high as the revellers threw thousands of kilos of tomatoes at each other during this year's edition of the festival

The event costs 12 euros for a basic ticket with 5,000 tickets reserved for town residents and 17,000 for people from outside

It has been held for 74 years and was inspired by a food fight between local children in 1945 in the tomato-producing region

Their eyes screwed shut against the barrage of tomatoes being flung at them, a group of friends lay on the ground during the event

Every inch of the ground looked to be covered in tomato pulp during the today's festivals, with crews later hosing down the streets

This man appeared completely at peace during the festival, despite having what looked like a pile of tomato pulp on top of his head and almost every inch of his face covered

From serenity to panic, this woman looked to be sinking into the depths of a tomatoey hell, with pulp submerging almost her entire body

While this man appeared to have decided a street covered in tomatoes was the perfect place for him to lay down and catch up on sleep

For some, the joy of the festival soon disappeared, including this reveller who looked as if she'd taken a tomato right between the eyes

This woman appeared to have spotted the camera at the very second she was struck by a barrage of tomatoes in the back of the head

A delighted woman, dressed in a vest top with a mock Heinz Tomato Ketchup logo on it bearing the name of the festival, enjoyed her time in the tomatoes

Revellers covered in tomato pulp lob tomatoes at each other as they take part in today's 74th annual "Tomatina" Festival in the eastern town of Bunol, Spain

Friends, family and lovers became temporary enemies during the epic food fight, with this smashing a tomato in the face of his companion

One man takes a second to take in the tomato-throwing festival, in a the middle of a heaving crowd of participants in Bunol

With revellers lining the streets to participate, some even jumped into a van which had been sectioned off to join in the action

On first glance, you wouldn't be blamed for not noticing that there are two people in this photo, with the second man so smeared in tomato pulp that only his hair, hands and arms can be seen

A man, with a look of panic plastered on his face, stares at a huge pile of tomatoes that are ready and waiting to be thrown by revellers

A delighted reveller slides along the ground during the festival, covering his front in a huge pile of tomato pulp at the event

A group of friends smeared in tomato pulp sit against the wall as they are hit with a barrage of tomatoes during the festival

The festival has been held for 74 years and was inspired by a food fight between local children in 1945 in the tomato-producing region

These friends, drenched in tomato pulp, appear to performing some kind of synchronised exercise during the festival today

Afterwards, the streets are hosed down by organisers with people either hosing themselves, having a shower or diving into public lakes to get the pulp off

Those showers seem to be sorely needed with almost every reveller completely coated in a healthy helping of tomato pulp

Source: Tamol.om

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