بالصور.. دبي تكشف عن نموذج هايبرلوب الأولي فائق السرعة

كشفت هيئة الطرق والمواصلات خلال مشاركتها في شهر الإمارات للابتكار، عن النموذج الأولي لتصميم الهايبرلوب الذي يعرض لأول مره في

كشفت هيئة الطرق والمواصلات خلال مشاركتها في شهر الإمارات للابتكار، عن النموذج الأولي لتصميم الهايبرلوب الذي يعرض لأول مره في العالم، بالتعاون مع شركة فيرجن هايبرلوب ون.

وانجزت الهيئة مرحلة مهمة في دراسة جدوى المشروع من الناحية الفنية والهندسية والاقتصادية، وتحديد الخطوط التي يمكن لتقنية الهايبرلوب أن تعمل عليها، وصولاً إلى تصميم النموذج الأولي للهايبرلوب الذي يعرض لأول مره في العالم.

وتستند فكرة التكنولوجيا  المشغلة للهايبرلوب الى نظام الدفع الكهرومغناطيسي لتسريع نقل الركاب والبضائع، وذلك من خلال أنبوب فارغ من الهواء.

وصمم النظام بحيث يساعد على رفع المركبة عن المسار بشكل بسيط داخل الأنبوب وتحركها بسرعة تصل إلى 1200 كيلومتر في الساعة، حيث يمكن للهايبر لوب قطع مسافة بين دبي وأبوظبي في 12 دقيقة، ويمكنه نقل 10000 راكب كل ساعة في الاتجاهين.

هذا وظهر التصميم الداخلي  للهايبرلوب الذي عرضته الهيئة بتشطيبات  غاية بالفخامة والرفاهية حيث زود بمقاعد من الجلد ، فضلا عن تزويده بأحدث تقنيات وسائل بث وعرض المعلومات والمواد الترفيهية.

Virgin has unveiled a stunning prototype of the pods that will carry passengers at speeds of up to 760mph (1,200 kmh) when it launches its Hyperloop service in Dubai. Hyperloop's low friction design means that passengers will be able to travel the 87 miles (140 km) between the city and neighbouring Abu Dhabi in 12 minutes, a journey that takes around 90 minutes by car

Virgin's Hyperloop One offshoot has invested in the multi-billion pound project and is working closely with Dubai's RTA. Each pod is designed to travel short and medium distances and can accommodate up to ten passengers

 Its concept pods give a first glimpse of the luxurious conditions inside the futuristic transport vehicles, which could be launched as soon as 2020

The pods boast deluxe interiors, leather seats and high definition screens for displaying information and entertainment. The service is expected to carry around 10,000 passengers per hour in both directions

Hyperloop uses an electromagnetic propulsion system to accelerate levitating pods through a vacuum tube at speeds of up to 760 mph (1,200 kmh). This image shows the front of the pod, housed in a Hyperloop tunnel

This level of speed is achieved by reducing air pressure inside the tube to an equivalent measure experienced at 200,000 feet above sea level

Dubai's Road Transport Authority (RTA), which wants 25 per cent of all journeys to be driverless by 2030, unveiled the hyperloop design at a ceremony in the city as part of its participation in the UAE's Innovation Month

Richard Branson also announced a similar project for Mumbai a few days ago.  The system could later be expanded to link the UAE with neighbouring Gulf countries so that a trip between Dubai and Saudi capital Riyadh, which is currently two hours by plane, could be completed in under 50 minutes

The futuristic city-state of Dubai announced a deal with Los Angeles-based Hyperloop One in November 2016, to study the potential for building a line linking it to the Emirati capital of Abu Dhabi. Artist's impression of the Hyperloop with Dubai in the background, pictured

Under the initial 2016 plans pods (artist's impression) would have been able to operate autonomously away from the pressurised tubes, meaning they could travel on regular roads

As several firms vie to create the first operational Hyperloop, Elon Musk’s vision of a radical transport system that could ferry passengers above land at 760 miles per hour continues to inch closer to reality

Rob Lloyd, the CEO of Hyperloop One, left, shows a model to Emirati officials including Mattar al-Tayer, the director-general and chairman of Dubai's Roads & Transport Authority, third left, in Dubai

The Hyperloop station design for the Burj Khalifa, the world's tallest building. Passengers board the next pod that is available, which moves onto a transporter to their final destination. The relatively small unit-size of the pods paired with a high arrival and departure-rate allows for on-demand travel

The pods are contained within a transporter, a pressure vessel attached to a chassis for levitation and propulsion that can accelerate the transporter to top speed

Station designs will fit into the existing city infrastructure, according to their creators

There would be several stations throughout Dubai connecting the hyperloop system to Abu Dhabi. The main station there is pictured here

At portals, pods are loaded onto the transporter and hyperjump to another portal, where they merge onto the street and drop passengers off at their final destination

Hyperloop One will work with McKinsey & Co. and the Bjarke Ingels Group (BIG) on a detailed feasibility study

The hyperloop is essentially a long tube that has had the air removed to create a vacuum. The tube is suspended off the ground to protect against weather and earthquakes

The cost of building a line from LA to San Francisco has previously been estimated at $16 billion (£10 billion) - although critics say it would be nearer $100 billion (£65 billion)



Source: Tamol.om

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