بالصور.. ظاهرة “خسوف القمر” تجذب الآلاف حول العالم

شاهد الآلاف ‭ ‬في غرب أمريكا الشمالية وحول العالم نوعا نادرا من خسوف القمر "يطلق عليه "القمر الأزرق الدموي العملاق"
شاهد الآلاف ‭ ‬في غرب أمريكا الشمالية وحول العالم نوعا نادرا من خسوف القمر “يطلق عليه “القمر الأزرق الدموي العملاق” الأربعاء.‬

ومثلما هو الحال في كل خسوف كلي للقمر تلقي الأرض بظلال حمراء مظلمة على وجه القمر ومن هنا جاءت تسمية “القمر الدموي”، لكن عاملين آخرين اجتمعا لتحويل هذه الظاهرة تحديدا إلى حدث استثنائي.

وحدث الخسوف الكلي خلال حدث نادر هو اكتمال القمر مرتين في شهر واحد والتي تعرف عادة باسم “القمر الأزرق” وخلال نقطة في مدار القمر يصل فيها إلى أقرب موقع له من الأرض ومن ثم يبدو القمر أكبر وأكثر إشراقا في السماء من الطبيعي فيما يعرف باسم ظاهرة “القمر العملاق”.

وفي هذه الظاهرة يبدو سطح القمر باللون الأحمر نتيجة لمرور أشعة الشمس عبر الغلاف الجوي للأرض فيما يقع القمر على ظل كوكب الأرض. ولا تختفي صورة القمر كليا خلال الخسوف.

ووفقا لمؤسسة أكيو ويذر للأرصاد الجوية فإن آخر مرة اجتمعت فيها هذه الظواهر الثلاث كانت في عام 1866.

وفي لوس أنجليس قال مسؤولون في مرصد جريفيث إنه من المتوقع أن يتوجه ما بين ألف وألفي شخص إلى المرصد الواقع على جبل هوليوود حيث ستنصب مجاهر إضافية لهم لمشاهدة الحدث.

وفي العاصمة الصينية بيجين احتشد المئات في القبة السماوية عند الغسق لمشاهدة الظاهرة التي لم يشهدها الصينيون منذ الملك الراحل قينغ قبل أكثر من 150 عاما.

وبدأ القمر دخول أكثر نقطة مظلمة من ظل الأرض الساعة 1148 بتوقيت جرينتش وسيحدث الخسوف الكامل الساعة 1512 بتوقيت غرينتش.

ومن المتوقع أن يكون الخسوف النادر مرئيا أيضا في مناطق أخرى من آسيا بينها أستراليا واليابان وجنوب شرق آسيا.

The moon sets behind the Statue of Liberty in New York. . This is the last one in a series of three consecutive 'Supermoons', dubbed the 'Supermoon Trilogy'


 The previous 'Supermoons' appeared on 03 December 2017 and on 01 January 2018. A 'Supermoon' commonly is described as a full moon at its closest distance to the earth with the moon appearing larger and brighter than usual. Myanmar, pictured


A "super blood blue moon" is seen during an eclipse behind an elephant statue at a temple in Bangkok, Thailand,


A rare super blue blood moon that has not been seen by much of the world for more than 150 years is gracing the world's skies. The celestial event is the result of three lunar phenomena happening at once. It is pictured here in Lancelin, Australia


 The moon rises over a pagoda in Kumal, some 105 kms away from Mandalay City


The super blue blood moon is pictured behind the Statue of Liberty in New York. The event began at 10:51am UTC (10:51 GMT, 05:51 ET) with the full lunar eclipse starting at 12:51 am UTC (12:51 GMT, 07:51 ET) and reaching its maximum at 1.29pm UTC (1.29pm GMT, 08:29am ET)


The partial eclipse is seen just above the horizon in Washington. The darker part of Earth's shadow began to blanket part of the moon with a reddish tint at 6:48 am EST (11:48 GMT)


The moon is pictured behind the Staten Island Ferry, seen from Brooklyn. For people viewing the event from New York the moon entered the outer part of Earth's shadow at 5:51 am (10:51 GMT)


People watch the super blue blood moon over Brooklyn. While people in the eastern Hemisphere saw their last Blue Moon total lunar eclipse in 1982, for the Western Hemisphere, this eclipse will be the first blue moon total eclipse since 1866


A so-called 'Supermoon' rises above the Olympic rings installation at the Alpensia Ski Jumping Center of the PyeongChang Winter Olympic Games 2018

بيونج تشنج

People take photos of the super moon in Lancelin, Australia. Not only is it the second full moon in January, but the moon will also be close to its nearest point to Earth on its orbit, and be totally eclipsed by the Earth's shadow


A super blue blood moon rises over the city of Perth in Western Australia. Enthusiasts have been waiting 150 years to see the triple lunar event where a total lunar eclipse will turn the moon a brooding, dark red, coinciding with both a super moon and a rare blue moon


 The 'super blue blood moon' is seen over Los Angeles, California, on January 31, 2018. Many parts of the globe may catch a glimpse on January 31 of a giant crimson moon, thanks to a rare lunar trifecta that combines a blue moon, a super moon and a lunar eclipse

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The moon rises between two office buildings in Bangkok. Weather permitting, eclipse fans in Hawaii will experience the lunar eclipse from start to finish, as will skywatchers in Alaska, Australia and eastern Asia


A rare super blue blood moon - which might look similar to this large orange moon spotted rising over Griffith Park in Los Angeles - is gracing the world's skies. When the moon is nearer the horizon, moonlight must pass through more atmosphere than when it is overhead, which is why the moon sometimes appear orange

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Crowds gather on the Marine Parade Beach to watch the moon rise in Napier, New Zealand just hours before the start of the rare lunar spectacle. A Super Blue Blood Moon is the result of three lunar phenomena happening all at onc

The full eclipse is at 2:07pm UTC (2:07pm GMT, 9:07am ET) although some of it will still be visible after that. The last time the spectacle was seen was in 1866, 152 years ago. Pictured is the full moon above the Marine Parade Beach in New Zealand

Dr Daniel Brown an astronomy expert from Nottingham Trent University told MailOnline that when the moon is quite low in the horizon the atmosphere of the earth will redden it independent of eclipse. Crowds gather on the Marine Parade Beach to watch the full moon rise just hours before the rare super blue blood moon 


The moon is seen during a lunar eclipse, referred to as the "super blue blood moon", in Beijing 


Pictured is a large orange moon rising above the old city of Jerusalem this morning. The rare celestial, which hasn't been seen by much of the world in more than 150 years, will first appear in Australia


A red moon rises over hills near the city of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk on Sakhalin Island in Russia's Far East ahead of the appearance of the rare super blue blood moon. The UK, Europe and Africa will miss out on seeing the red tinge on the super moon as they'll be unable to see the lunar eclipse


The moon will be much bigger and brighter than usual it will also be second full moon of the month, making it a blue moon. It might look similar to the orange-coloured super moon rising over the tower of the Lakhta Cente in St Petersburg this morning

سان بطرسج

A 'super blue blood moon' is the result of a blue moon – the second full moon in a calendar month – occurring at the same time as a super moon, when the moon is at perigee and about 14 per cent brighter than usual. Pictured is a large, super moon rising over the hills near the city of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk on Sakhalin Island in Russia this morning


The incredible celestial event turns the moon a reddish hue as the lunar eclipse happens. Pictured is the super moon rising behind the Saffron Square building in Croydon ahead of this 'unusual' event


Keen photographers capture the moon rising from the Marine Parade Beach in New Zealand. For those in the Middle East, Asia, eastern Russia, Australia and New Zealand, the 'super blue blood moon' can be seen during moonrise this evening


A rare occurrence called a 'Super Blue Blood Moon' is seen behind the U.S. flag at Santa Monica Beach in Los Angeles

A Super Blue Blood Moon hovers over Los Angeles, California in the early hours of January 31, 2018, during an event not seen since 1866 when three fairly common lunar happenings occur at the same time

The moon entered the earth core shadow at 11.48 GMT (6:48 ET) so we can already see some red, Dr Daniel Brown, an astronomy expert from Nottingham Trent University, told MailOnline. The moon rises near Bondi beach in Sydney hours before the full lunar eclipse

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The partial eclipse began at around 11.48am GMT, before reaching its peak at 1.29pm GMT. According to Sky and Telescope, the last blue moon total lunar eclipse visible from North America happened on March 31, 1866. A man takes pictures as the moon rises near Bondi beach

The darker part of Earth's shadow will begin to blanket part of the moon with a reddish tint at 6:48 am EST (11:48 GMT), but the moon will set less than a half-hour later. Pictured is the moon rising near Bondi beach hours before the celestial event


If you live in the Central time zone, viewing will be good, since the action begins when the moon is higher in the western sky. The Earth's shadow is not completely black but has a reddishy hue, which has led many cultures to describe it as a blood moon. Pictured is the moon above Marine Parade Beach in Napier, New Zealand


The alignment of the sun, moon and Earth will last one hour and 16 minutes and will be visible before dawn on today across North America, Alaska, Hawaii and Canada. Crowds look on as the super moon rises behind the Fremantle War Memorial at Monument Hill in Australia on November 14, 2016


Pictured is a super moon rising over lake george near Canberra. Experts say the best viewing in the US will be from the west. In the UK, the moonrise will occur sometime around 4.55pm GMT. But the the lunar eclipse – will not begin until halfway through the night when the moon passed though the Earth's shadow


For people viewing the event from New York or Washington, the moon will enter the outer part of Earth's shadow at 5:51 am (10:51 GMT) but will hardly be noticeable. Pictured is a large orange-coloured full moon which might resemble the super blue blood moon


Skywatchers gather at Beijing Planetarium to watch a "super blood blue moon" eclipse with telescopes, in Beijing, China January 31, 2018. China Daily via REUTERS ATTENTION EDITORS - THIS IMAGE WAS PROVIDED BY A THIRD PARTY. CHINA OUT.


People watch the the Super moon rising in the sand dunes on January 31, 2018 in Lancelin, Australia. Last seen from Australia in December 1983, a Super Blue Blood Moon is the result of three lunar phenomena happening all at once


A super blue blood moon is seen over Los Angeles on Wednesday. NASA is calling it a lunar trifecta: the first super blue blood moon since 1982. That combination won't happen again until 2037

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According to experts from Nasa, the event will also offer experts a chance to see what happens to the moon when it cools quickly. This information will help them understand characteristics of the regolith — the mixture of soil and loose rocks on the surface — and how it changes over time. Pictured is the wolf moon

A rare 'wolf moon' rises behind St Paul's Cathedral and the City's skyline, photographed from the Hungerford Bridge, London. By comparing the two types of observations, the team is able to look at variations in particular areas — say, the lunar swirls at Reiner Gamma or an impact crater and the loose debris around it




Source: Tamol.om

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