بالفيديو.. أخطبوط يتخفى من الحيوانات المفترسة بطريقة نادرة

وفقا لما نشرته صحيفة “ديلى ميل” البريطانية، أظهرت اللقطات النادرةتغيير الأخطبوط لون جسده للاختباء بين الشعاب المرجانية، من الكائنات المفترسة، ويعد التمويه من أشهر الطرق التي تستخدمها الكائنات الحية.

وصور المشهد غواص يدعى “سجوين جر” 52 عاما، قبالة الساحل الجنوبي الغربي بأواهو، هاواي، ويعد ما التقطه مشهدا نادرا، وقليل من يقترب من الأخطبوط لهذه المسافة.

The creature was seen changing colour as it swims, one of the methods of defence for the unique animals. A native scuba diver spotted the animal and said he saw it 'lying right out in the open'

The colour change of the octopus is an ability that has evolved over thousands of years to help avoid detection from preators

The chromataphores in the skin of the animal are similar to the ones in the skin of chameleons

Octopuses are part of the family 'cephalapods' and many of these animals have special cells called chromataphores in their skin. These change colour to blend in with the environment and help the animal hide 

The darker pigmentation of the octopus will allow it to better blend in with certain environments, including in deeper water

The lighter pigmentation will aid survival of the animal in environments closer to the shore, including on coral reefs

The tentacles of the octopus are another method of defence and are extremely powerful. Camouflage is one of several ways that octopuses have to protect themselves - interestingly, they also have three hearts 

Octopuses are considered one of the most intelligent marine animals and have evolved to be able to detect ultrasound waves from the Earth before a volcanic eruption as many of the animals live near the volcano on Italian island Stromboli

The combination of a change in colour and in texture makes the octopus almost indistinguishable from the coral reef. Bleaching of coral reefs has caused a significant decline to biodiversity of ecosystems 

The footage was taken off the south west coast of the Hawaiian island of O'ahu at the Ewa Pinnacles

Source: Tamol.om

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