فيديو وصور.. اللحظات الأولى لحادث قطار مصر وسقوط ضحايا

تداول مصريون فيديو تم التقاطه من كاميرا مراقبة بمحطة القاطرات الرئيسية برمسيس بقلب العاصمة القاهرة للحظات الأولى لحادث القطار الذي

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تداول مصريون فيديو تم التقاطه من كاميرا مراقبة بمحطة القاطرات الرئيسية برمسيس بقلب العاصمة القاهرة للحظات الأولى لحادث القطار الذي وقع صباح الأربعاء، وأسفر عن مقتل 20 شخصا وإصابة نحو 40 آخرين.

وكشف الفيديو اندفاع الجرار الخاص بالقطار وبسرعة جنونية ليصطدم بالرصيف رقم 6 ويطيح بالمارة، ثم اشتعاله بعد انفجار خزان الوقود به.

وقالت هيئة “السكك الحديدية” إن الحريق وقع نتيجة تصادم جرار قطار وعربة “باور” الخاصة بالتكييف بصدادات نهاية الرصيف.

وأغلقت هيئة السكك الحديدية محطة رمسيس، وأوقفت حركة القطارات القادمة من كافة الاتجاهات لحين فحص المحطة بالكامل، وإزالة جثث الضحايا وآثار الحريق.

وأصدر الرئيس المصري عبد الفتاح السيسي، توجيهاته للحكومة بمحاسبة المتسببين في الحادث الدموي الذى شهدته محطة القطارات الرئيسية بالقاهرة، الأربعاء، موجها تعازيه لأسر الضحايا.

ووافق رئيس الوزراء المصري مصطفى مدبولي، يوم الأربعاء، على استقالة وزير النقل هشام عرفات على خلفية حادث القطار المروع في محطة رمسيس والذي أسفر عن مقتل العشرات.

[wpcc-iframe class=”youtube-player” width=”640″ height=”360″ src=”https://www.youtube.com/embed/u0bG-om7LxM?version=3&rel=1&fs=1&autohide=2&showsearch=0&showinfo=1&iv_load_policy=1&wmode=transparent” allowfullscreen=”true” style=”border:0;”]

Firefighters extinguish flames and cool off a train engine after a fire broke out on tracks at the main train station in Cairo

Onlookers gather at the scene of a fiery train crash at the Egyptian capital Cairo's main railway station

Officials inspect a burnt-out train engine on tracks after a fire broke out at the main train station in Cairo

A member of security forces and a rescue worker carry away charred packing material after a crash at Cairo's main station

A man looks out from a window towards a burnt-out train on tracks after a fire broke out at the main train station in Cairo

Emergency workers patrol up and down the platform and Ramses station as the cleanup operation gets underway

Pictures from the scene showed charred bodies along the train tracks and people fleeing for their lives as the fire took hold 

Flames cover the train tracks and one of the platforms at Ramses station in Cairo as people flee for their lives down the track 

Members of the security forces and onlookers gather at the scene of a fiery train crash at the Egyptian capital Cairo's main railway station

Members of the security forces and onlookers gather at the scene of the crash

Firefighters stand near damaged train wagons after a fire broke out at the main train station in Cairo

Firefighters work at the scene of a train crash inside Ramsis train station in Cairo, Egypt

Part of the station's main building collapsed after being consumed by flames, according to local media which described panicked scenes as people fled

Emergency vehicles surround Ramses station in central Cairo as crowds gather on Wednesday


At least 25 people are dead and more than 40 wounded after a train coming into Ramses station in Cairo, Egypt, crashed into a concrete barrier and exploded

The crash caused the train's fuel tank to burst which in turn sparked a huge blaze that engulfed a platform at the station, which is the busiest in Egypt

Egyptian authorities say they don't know what caused the train to run into the barrier, but investigators have been sent to the scene to establish what happened

Egyptian authorities say they don't know what caused the train to run into the barrier, but investigators have been sent to the scene to establish what happened

The train had been arriving from Alexandria, Egypt's second-busiest city, on Wednesday morning when the crash happened

Pictures of the train show it has come off the rails after hitting a buffer at the end of the tracks with heavy fire damage to the surrounding buildings

Fire crews clamber over the wreckage of the train after extinguishing the blaze

The contents of a burned-out suitcase are strewn across the platform of Ramses station after it was gutted by fire

A charred piece of clothing sits among the burned-out rubble of Ramses station as fire crews pick through the devastation

The platform opposite where the train was arriving sustained heavy damage in the blaze, with this shop completely torched

Inspectors walk around and area adjacent to where the train crashed which was heavily damaged in the fire

A view of the side of the train shows that it has been completely gutted by flames as fire crews work nearby

Source: Tamol.om

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