بالصور.. الصين تبدأ بناء سكك حديدية فوق منطقة مثلث برمودا

بدأ عمال صينيون في بناء جسر سكك حديدية مثير للإعجاب فى منطقة اعتبرت "منطقة منعزلة" لبناء الجسور. ويمتد جسر السكك

بدأ عمال صينيون في بناء جسر سكك حديدية مثير للإعجاب فى منطقة اعتبرت “منطقة منعزلة” لبناء الجسور.

ويمتد جسر السكك الحديدية بمضيق “بينغتان” عبر البحر قبالة ساحل جنوب شرق الصين، وتصل تكلفتة 1.2 مليار جنيه استرليني، على الرغم من أن هذه المنطقة التي شهدت الاختفاء الغامض للعديد من الطائرات والقوارب، ويطلق عليه اسم “مثلث برمودا في آسيا” وذلك بحسب صحيفة “ديلى ميل” البريطانية.

وصرح المهندسون الصينيون الذين بدأوا المشروع منذ عام 2013 بأنهم واثقون وقادرون على إكمال وصلة المرور الهائلة العام القادم، وخططوا لتشغيل القطارات بسرعة فائقة فوق هذه المياه المتقلبة.

Mission impossible: Chinese workers are building a high-speed railway bridge (pictured) off the coast of south-east China, which is a 'no-go zone' for bridge builders due to high winds

Monster machines: China has built a team of impressive drillships and cranes for the bridge. One of then, the 'Bridge Seagull' crane vessel, is pictured lifting a 1,350-tonne steel beam

Impressive traffic link: Once the Pingtan bridge is complete in 2019, the Pingtan Island and the outlying islands would be connected to the mainland of Fujian Province via high-speed railwayFan Lilong, the chief engineer of the bridge, told China Central Television Station that Pingtan bridge was the most challenging project he had undertaken in his 20 years of experience

The disappearance of 85  ships in the area in 2016 sparked speculation that the waters off southern China, Japan, Indonesia and the Philippines could be a new Bermuda Triangle

Chief engineer Mr Fan said the most challenging part of the project was to drill pillars into the hard rock on the seabed under immense underwater pressure  created by the ocean currents

This picture taken in 2015 shows one of the drillships putting a pillar into the seabed. The workers successfully laid the foundation of the bridge last November with 1,895 pillars

The Pingtan strait, a part of Taiwan Strait, is infamous for its high winds. For more than 300 days a year, strong gusts blowing as quickly as 13.8m/s create waves as tall as 10 storeys

When the bridge complete next year, bullet trains would be able to whiz above the choppy waters, bringing residents of the remote islands to the mainland of Fujian Province (file photo)

Source: Tamol.om

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