صور من قاع البحر.. اكتشاف 100 جرة سليمة تعود لـ 1700 سنة

أظهرت لقطات فيديو "مذهلة" اكتشاف حطام سفينة تعود للإمبراطورية الرومانية، وبداخلها أكثر من 100 جرة فخارية، معظمها سليمة ومغلقة تعود

أظهرت لقطات فيديو “مذهلة” اكتشاف حطام سفينة تعود للإمبراطورية الرومانية، وبداخلها أكثر من 100 جرة فخارية، معظمها سليمة ومغلقة تعود لمئات السنين.

وعثر غواصون على حطام سفينة، يعود إلى أكثر من 1700 سنة، قبالة ساحل جزيرة مايوركا الإسبانية في يوليو الماضي.

Incredible footage reveals a Roman shipwreck containing more than 100 perfectly preserved amphorae that underwater archaeologists are painstakingly recovering

The wreck — which experts have dated back to around 1,700 years ago — was found off of the coast of Mallorca back in July 2019

Based on some of the inscriptions on the long, two-handled jars, the archaeologists believe that the amphorae were used to store fish sauce, oil and wine

However, researchers will not be able to open the amphorae until they have finished preservation work that will stop the salt in the sea water cracking the jars

In a press conference, archaeologist Sebastian Munar of the Balearic Institute of Maritime Archaeology Studies said that the amphorae were perfectly conserved in the ship's hold

The merchant ship is thought to have been carrying its wares between Mallorca and the Spanish mainland. Experts think that the Roman vessel sank around 1,700 years ago — although likely not as a result of a storm, given the excellent preservation of its fragile cargo

The wreck was found off of the coast of Mallorca's Can Pastilla Beach in July after local resident Felix Alarcón and his wife spotted pottery shards on the seabed

Source: Tamol.om

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